Wednesday 28 September 2011

My first blog award!

What a lovely surprise when I logged in tonight.. I've been seeing these on quite a few blogs but never dreamt I'd get given one myself, after all, my blog is only a few weeks old.. its still a baby!

I have Hayley from to thank for this :-) Like me, she's still a newbie, but posts regular updates with variety (which is what I like). So if you're into beauty mixed in with fashion with a spoonful of interior design and a sprinkle of randomness then you'll love her blog!

I just want to say thank you again... I've been recording video's on YT for a year now, but have slowly become majorly addicted to this and neglected YT in the process (whoops, sorry to all my subscribers!) I like the fact that its a hell of a lot less time consuming on here. It reminds me of a diary, but a photographic one, which is what I love. It's something I think I'll keep for a few years and it'd be great to look back on. I also think its nice how you follow other people through their lives too but maybe not even know them in person (my boyfriend thinks its sad how I can read 'waste my time' reading about other people's lives that I don't even know, but I guess that's what us girls do!)

So, with this award comes a few little rules..
*Thank the person who awarded you and give a link back to their blog.
*Write 7 random facts about yourself that people may not already know.
*Spread the love and award 15 other bloggers.

7 random facts about me:
*I have an English degree (ha, would you believe it?!)
*I live a 5 minute drive from the seaside (some call us lucky but have you seen the beaches round here?)
*I can touch my nose with my tongue (yuck!)
*Me and my boyfriend have just recently (in July) moved in together in our first house with a mortgage (and this is where all the dreaded bills start and the luxury spending stops *sobs*)
*I have a massive phobia of needles - I have fillings without a needle, and the last needle I had was over 13yrs ago!
*I can't put tissue/cotton wool or most materials in my mouth, it makes my skin crawl!
*I have been to more places abroad than I have in my own country..

That's as 'random' as it's gonna get! (I lead a boring life!)

15 other bloggers...

Muhsine - (I've been addicted to her blog just recently, esp the DIY/Interior blogs. She's due to become a mum any minute now so go over and wish her good luck!)
Becca - Ever stuck for fashion ideas then this is your girl. Also holds regular competitions which I've just had the pleasure in winning one of them so can't wait to receive my prize!
Rachel - Another blog that I've been addicted to just lately. A range of in depth posts, mostly beauty & fashion orientated.
Zoe - Theres something about her posts that I just love. She's got a love for vintage things and posts on numerous topics. She has like a squillion followers though so someone with 19 followers giving her an award she'll probably laugh in my face! So we'll keep this one between you & me ;-)
Sam - This is another blog that I will always make sure I read when I see it in my little box. Theres something about her blog that makes her entries so easy but nice to read. I find myself relating to a lot of her entries too, which is always nice.

The rest I still love but will start to get repetitive with my 'description' (why did I even start that? it just emphasises favouritism! Most of them are that A-Star on here that they won't give 2 hoots if they've got an award from me or not! But here goes, just to stick to the rules ;-))

Hope you're all having a great week!

1 comment

  1. interesting, thank u for all the links =)

    -Mia xo


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