Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Photo Diary | Florida 2015 | Day 4 - 7

As promised, here is Day 4 - 7 of what I did in Disney! If you haven't yet read days 1-3, then catch them here.
Day 4 we headed to Animal Kingdom. Now I'm not a massive animal lover like some, so this park doesn't wow me like some. We went on safari (which is great, even for those non-animal lovers!), we saw The Lion King show, which some described as emotional and a bit of a tear jerker, so I was bracing myself, however I'm sure I was in the wrong show because I didn't feel a thing! (or maybe just heartless, who knows?!). We sampled the same ice-cream from Anandapur Ice Cream truck that we purchased from 2 years ago (it's becoming a Disney tradition!) and rode Expedition Everest, my favourite ride out of the whole park. It was a rather slow-paced day compared to some, but well needed as it was a scorcher of a day in terms of the heat!


Day 5 we headed to the daddy of them all, Magic Kingdom. I got to wear my sparkly ears for the first time and we rode every ride on our wishlist (and then a whole lot more!). We did the 3 mountains (splash mountain is my all time fave!), caught a glimpse of 'Celebrate the Magic' parade, saw the firework spectacular 'Wishes' in the evening, which always raises those goosebumps. I could watch that display every night of the week. No firework display will ever beat that.

Day 6 was a chill out day (these rest days are much loved now we're getting older!). We enjoyed a nice lay-in and then didn't venture too far, checking out Wonderworks on International Drive, and popping to yet another mall. 

Day 7 was Epcot day! I tried sombreros on in Mexico, learnt about the history of China and Canada, and sampled Italian ice cream in, you guessed it, Italy! We were hoping to catch the Epcot fireworks this day, but unfortunately we got rained off mid afternoon and the rain certainly wasn't shifting, so after hanging around in a shop for almost an hour till it had calmed, we gave in and headed back to our hotel. 

Stay tuned for days 8 - 11!

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