Monday, 10 October 2011

Autumn/Winter Competition!

Today is an exciting day for me... my blog is just about to have it's 1st ever giveaway!
This is to mainly celebrate the quantity of subscribers I have on Youtube. I was going to do this at 1000 subscribers, but the excitement got the better of me!

This isn't the biggest giveaway ever, just a little something to say thank you. I chose these prizes with my own hard earned money (aren't I good to you guys?!). With the seasons in mind, I focused on Autumnal colours which I think would look great in these upcoming colder months.

Prizes include BarryM nail polishes in 'Vivid Purple' & 'Red Black'. The ever talked about sleek storm palette. A new brand to the beauty world, the VIVO palette in Graphite Glamour. Collection2000 Lock n Hold Lipgloss in 'Urban Punk'
All items are brand new (obviously!) and where possible, sealed.

Prizes up close and personal!

Barry M 'Red Black' Again, this is not my hand ;-)
BarryM 'Vivid Purple'

There are far better photos of this on here than mine, including swatches. I couldn't swatch this for obvious reasons!

After seeing this on so many beauty guru's I just had to pick one up for the giveaway. I swatched this palette in the shop and was amazed how pigmented this little beauty was!

Collection 2000 Lock n Hold lipgloss in Urban Punk. I own a few of these lipglosses and love them! They are non sticky, have a gorgeous but subtle shimmer, and taste yummy (always a bonus!)

The rules

1. You must be a public follower of my blog via GFC. All blogs must be valid and active.
2. Leave a comment below with your GFC name & email, stating one thing you love about Autumn.
3. To maximise your chances of winning you can do a blog post regarding my competition, including prize photo and a link to my blog.

To give everyone a fair chance of entering, this competition will run for 3 weeks, closing on Monday 31st October.
This competition is international.

Good Luck! 


  1. I am public follower of your blog -jen
    My email is
    My favourite thing about autumn is cozy nights in with a DVD, hot chocolate, cozy jammies and cuddles on the couch <3 bliss :)

    Well done with the followers and thank you!!

  2. This is great, congrats on the subscribers!

    My favourite thing about autumn is the clothes! Wrapping up in woolly jumpers, scarves gloves and uggs! I love it!

    Simple country girl,

  3. I love Autumn as i love the new fashion that comes out like the boots and coats xx
    blogging lovely xx

  4. name - kelly young

    i love autumn because i get to wear all my wooly jumpers, cardigans and winter boots

    Thank you for this giveaway :D

  5. Awhh, I'm sad you're leaving YT, I really liked your videos, but hey-ho, I'm looking forward to reading your blog. I've followed you ofc :)

    My name's Jess & my email is

    My favourite things about Autumn, mainly are the cold, frosty days where we can layer and snuggle up in big scarves and coats and comfy ugg boots. I also like the smells of Autumn, spices and cinnamon and all things Halloween-y :D

  6. wooow congrats on the followers! looking forward to reading your blog!

    I'm a public follower
    my email is
    --> two underscores

    and my favourite things about autumn are:
    - my birthday [yay!!]
    - lighting scented candles
    - wearing scarves
    - walking through the woods while leaves are falling and the wind is blowing :-D


  7. This is a great giveaway :) Im so sad though that you are leaving youtube xx I will miss you so much and im sure others will to!

    My favourite thing about Autum are the new fashion trends, different shades and tones in makeup and just how its so so clode to xmas!!!

    My name is Olivia and if i won, i would be grateful if you could message me on my youtube account

    I have also created a blogpost to tell people about this fabulous giveaway x

    Thanks xx hope i win xx

  8. hey there! My GFC name is Miss Laura xx

    and my email is

    my blog is Secret Diary of a Fashion Journalist
    ( and I love Autumn because i love being snuggled in the warm whilst its cold outside, and the leaves match the colour of my hair!

    Loving the blog hun! xxx

  9. Thanks for a great giveaway :)

    Halloween!! The cheesy horror movies, the badly carved pumpkins, the dodgy costumes and, above all, themed sweets!!!!!
    Autumn RULES :D

    GFC: Scarlett

    email: scarlettheartsbeauty(at)gmail(dot)com

    Link to my blogpost for your giveaway:

  10. Great giveaway, I've never tried sleek palettes before and no tescos near to get vivo! :)

    gfc: Lucyylou

    I love the fashion for autumn. my favourite time of year.
    Lucy xx

  11. GFC: Sophie
    I love Autumn because you can snuggle up in cosy knits without being utterly freezing like in Winter!

    Thank you :)


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