Saturday, 12 November 2011

My shabby chic dressing room & storage ideas!


I’ve had a love for shabby chic for around 2 years now. Living at home with my mum in a tiny bedroom, the closest thing I got to exploring the French elegant style boudoir was by looking at photos on websites and dreaming, but I knew one day I would definitely turn those dreams into a reality.

Fast forward 2 years and I find myself moving into my own house with my boyfriend (this July). I definitely made sure it had 3 bedrooms; one for us, one for him and his toys (i.e. PS3!) and one for me and my shabby chic-ness!

On the run up to moving house, I thought about ways of storing make-up and hair products, and began collecting little things on a weekly basis. There are  lots of different types of shabby chic styles.. I decided to go for white furniture with a hint of pastel colours to add a pop of colour to the room but still keeping within the theme.

Here is my little parlour..

The make-up brush holder that you can see on the left of my dressing table is actually a metal cutlery caddy that I bought from Wilkinsons for a mere £2. I was lucky enough for my mum to give me the dressing table, however they can still be found on ebay here.

What sits on my chest of drawers?

 I thought this was a perfect way to store nail varnishes… in a glass fish bowl type vase! They are inexpensive to buy (a mere £2), can store lots of varnishes (I have 50+ in here).

I found this in TKMaxx. Ok it’s not exactly shabby chic, but the pastel blue matched my room! It’s a metal mesh type drawer set that was found in the stationery section. It cost me £4.99 and is now home to most of my hair accessories – hair grips, hair bobbles, headbands etc. I’m not a massive hair person so they all fit in here nicely. For those that were wondering, on top is a giant rose scented candle that was purchased from Matalan a few months ago for £6.

By the side of my drawers I have this little metal cake stand. Again, sticking with the whole shabby chic theme, I thought it was a different way to store my products. It can surprisingly fit quite a lot on!

This drawer tower matches the dressing table. Unfortunately I can’t find it on eBay right now, but this is what I store my make-up in. On top I have a shabby chic floral tray which holds my perfumes, and the taller object behind that is a slim vase that holds all my chunky bangles. I find that thick costume bangles consume a lot of space so stacking them is perfect, and you can see them all.

The majority of you will recognise the smaller boxes, yep, that’s right, good ol’ Glossy Box! I do have a lot more of these boxes but they are home to other things in cupboards around my house! I think they are a great idea to keep to store things in, and they match with my room which is a bonus! I keep things such as camera leads/chargers and sample/travel beauty products in them.

This is my jewellery corner. I have stacks of costume jewellery but keep my most used items on these. The earrings are pierced through a canvass board. I got the idea from Youtube, however I think I am changing this soon because once you’ve pierced the earring through, getting them back in the same hole and making them stay there is another matter! Either way, a canvass can be picked up from most stationery stores for a few quid. My necklace holder I think is super cute. I bought it from BHS for £4, reduced from £12, I love a bargain! It is metal so strong enough to hold a fair few of my heavy duty necklaces ;-)

Below my jewellery stands this 4 tower wicker drawer set. This was actually purchased from Argos in the bathroom section to, yeah, you’ve guessed it, be used in our bathroom! However we had more storage than we thought, so it made itself at home in my room instead! This holds a lot of hair products and deodorants. Although the size of the drawers are not great, so only smaller products can be kept in these.

So, that is my little make-up room that I get ready in every morning!
It’s not exactly how I’d like it (I did want the carpet ripping up and the floorboards painting white, and the walls to be painted white, but I got a bit lazy/impatient!).

Have you got any unusual make-up or jewellery storage tips?



  1. ah thats gorgeous, I bet its lovely getting all made up in there :) xx

  2. Love love love this! A whole room for make up, amazing! I think make up storage is what I'll struggle with when I move in with my bf!! The furniture is so pretty!! xx

  3. P.S where did you get the cake stand from? Love it!

  4. So pretty! I am loving the alternative use for a cake stand - might have to invest in one of those myself :)

  5. looooove this room, super jealous, but might be stealing some of your storage tips as my desk is starting to get super messy!

  6. I love shabby chic rooms! Mines pretty much that style too :D
    Love how you store your makeup! Those drawers are pretty.
    Lucy x

  7. I really like your storage ideas, very creative. I find a lot of stationery storage is ideal for all my bits and is fairy cheap too.

  8. Love your room! I store my earrings in quite an unusual way. I used the lid of a sturdy shoe box and stretched a leg of some old tights around it. You can then hang your dangly earrings through the tights material and attach your box to a wall or stand it up. Looks something like this (this one isn't mine but it's the same idea)

    Please visit my new blog :)

  9. I LOVE THIS!! You seriously need to post these ideas to (if you haven't already!!)) So glad I came across your blog :)

  10. You're so lucky! Wish my boyfriend let me have my own room when we get a house!!!
    Check out my new beauty post and updated blog!

  11. It's like a princess's bedroom :D I like it!

    Melanie ~


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