Wednesday 19 October 2011

Battling the bulge!

So I'm one of these girls that has a hang up about her weight. And yes, I do have a reason to, unlike 70% of the female population who have the perfect figure but still find themselves annoyingly 'fat'. I am small so it doesn't help. I wouldn't want to be tall, but the thought of being stretched sometimes so my weight isn't so noticeable really does appeal to me!
I'm not obese, but I'm not slim. I'm what I would call chubby. I started off at uni being a size 8. Back then I thought I was chubby, but looking back, I'd do anything to be that weight again! As the years have passed, my weight has slowly crept up. I'm useless with diets. Every Monday morning I try the 'healthy eating' idea, only to be scoffing my face at teatime of that very same day because I'm starving. I have a sweet tooth, and a big one at that. My mum said I've been like it ever since I was little. Apparently my eyes used to light up as we went past the sweet aisle in shops. Fast forward 20+ years and I'm still that same little girl that eyes lights up when her boyfriend brings her home a chocolate bar...

A couple of years ago I tried Weight Watchers. I did lose on that, probably around 10lb, but stopped going after a few weeks. I was even still paying monthly and not turning up (see what I mean about willpower, what sort of nutter does that?!). I needed real motivation - I needed a hand to guide drag me there and do the journey with me.

I've been recording my weight almost every week for the past 2 years now. On Sunday I jumped on those very same scales and they were 1 lb away from yet another milestone. The scales have never read that amount before. I did a quick countdown in my head to Las Vegas and decided there and then that this has to stop and something needs to be done now. All my friends have babies or don't need to slim, so I turned to my mum who I knew would be up for losing some weight as well. She agreed to come, and last night we went to our first ever Slimming World meeting.

There are several reasons that made me want to start Slimming World.
1) I am bridesmaid next yr for my brother in Las Vegas. I want to look good in my dress and on the photos, obviously!
 2) Deep down I think this is the last holiday me & Mike, (My boyfriend) are going to have before we settle down and start a family, so I want it to be the biggest and bestest holiday ever! And for it to be good, I can't have any hang ups about my weight, otherwise it will affect everything (unfortunately) from swimming to shopping for holiday clothes that I really want but can't have because they wont 'suit my figure'.
3) I want to get fit and slim before I get pregnant, because once it does happen, I think the pounds will be a lot more difficult to shift (and for dangerous reasons too!)
4) To generally increase my confidence. On the very odd occasion of having a slim-ish feeling day, I feel like my confidence increases a lot, so losing a couple of stone, I think I'll be one cocky I-love-me little sh!te! (ppfftt)

I thought those were quite good reasons as to why I need to lose weight. Having an event to work towards too is also very motivating. The wedding isn't till next September, but that gives me loads of time to work on my weight loss. Till then though I'm going to set myself little targets for smaller upcoming events, such as Xmas, my birthday, etc. Events that you generally want to look glam for.

Slimming World already seems a lot more suitable and more appealing than WW. It took me a few hours to get my head around but now I'm in full swing of it and can't wait to have my 1st weigh in next week. The good thing about SW is it isn't a diet. It's a healthy way of eating the right amount of portions from different food categories. Whats even better is you are allowed 15 syns per day. These are your 'bad' foods such as chocolate and takeaways etc. I don't think a full takeaway would cover 15 syns, but you can save your syns up till the weekend and have a big splurge on that much loved junk food, and still lose weight!
Sounds too good to be true? Check back next week to see my weekly loss!

Have any of you been a member of SW?

Click here to check out your nearest slimming world club!

Disclaimer: I am not in any way being sponsored for this blog. All opinions are my own.


  1. I follow the slimming world diet, I don't actually go but the diet isn't too bad. Good luck!

  2. Good luck!


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