Sunday, 30 October 2011

Happy Halloween!

Where has the weekend gone again?! I find myself saying that every weekend unfortunately...

Yesterday was spent getting last minute bits for the halloween party and decorating the house with candles, lights, spiders, cobwebs and other goulish items! I then attempted to do my make-up as a creepy dead doll.. it turned out something like this...

Today was spent running round after my half hungover boyfriend who is also suffering from a bad back, so I've done everything from tidying up after last nights antics, house chores, a run to the supermarket to buy a cooked chicken (yeah, we're not trained in the chicken department just yet), cooking my first ever roast dinner, ok, minus the chicken, and now catching up on x factor that I missed last night!

For those that still yet have a halloween party to go to, Sleek are doing a fab Halloween collection here, for an affordable £12, which includes 3 essential items!

Did you dress up for halloween?



  1. You look brilliant! I wish I had dressed up, I just posted about haloween at uni which made me miss dressing up and drinking! Congrats on the roast dinner! No shame in the cooked chicken, one step at a time! Xxxx

  2. very creepy! :-D I live in the Netherlands where halloween is not a really a huge thing, such a shame!! we're going to watch some scary movies so that's kind of a halloween for me :-)


  3. I love this! I did a creepy doll look on my blog too but i think yours looks way better than mine! xx

  4. Haha this is brilliant! I didn't do anything for Halloween, how boring! Guess I'm getting old ;) x

  5. lol funny like your blog
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