Thursday 24 November 2011

Festive fun

I know many of you have already started your christmas shopping, finished your christmas shopping, and wrapped up your christmas shopping, however I still feel like the 'big' day is far far away in the distance. I'm not sure if its because of the weather, and the fact that some days I can still get away with just wearing a big chunky cardigan instead of a coat as well. As opposed to this time last year where we were knee deep crunching our way through snow. Or maybe its the fact I'm no longer a student ok, so I haven't been a student for over 3 years now and christmas holidays don't exist anymore except for a couple of measley days off, so the build up isn't as effective cos you've still gotta work right up to Christmas eve, boooo. Or maybe, just maybe its the fact that I'm yet another year older and Christmas just doesn't feel how it used to be *cue nostalgic sigh*

This is mine & my boyfriend's first christmas in our new home, which brings with it a lot of new things; first christmas of waking up somewhere different instead of at my mums. First christmas of being in charge of what decorations go on the tree! First christmas of being in charge of what christmas food we buy! (although that could be a bad thing!).

I've got a lot of festive blogs lined up to get me into the spirit. However, I thought about doing a guest blog swap for a day with anyone that is interested (although the theme has to be Christmas!). I thought it would be a great way for us to get introduced to new blogs and also get our blog out there (I know how much hard work it can be, I used to film for YT!). So if anyone is interested in joining in, then pop me an email, it'd be great to hear from you!

Please don't forget to check out my beauty competition, less than 1 week left!



  1. I know what you mean, it does seem quite far away but its only 30 days! This is my daughters first christmas (she'll be six months) so im sooo looking forward to it!

  2. Yay, being in charge of decorations is always nice! I already bought some decorations but still live at my parents..anyway I'm looking forward to christmas and always look at websites such as weheartit for some inspiration :)

  3. Nikkay, I haven't got any children yet but I can imagine how exciting it must be on the first christmas as a little family. I can't wait till I have one!
    LnnK, I've just checked weheartit out, it's great! Will have to use that in future instead of google images!

  4. Every year it's the same for me, I think it's ages away and I feel really complacent and all of a sudden it's upon us! I must admit I love Christmas, it's my favourite time of year - I think once it starts to get colder we will all get more into the spirit of things!


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