Sunday, 20 November 2011

Get creative!

As I've previously mentioned, I've become addicted beyond belief with all things nail related - nail polishes, nail art, fimo, jewels, stamping kits, I've been purchasing nail accessories like there's no tomorrow. So when I saw that Model's Own was releasing their famous Nail Art pen in white I was super excited! I think just about every blogger whose into nail art owns the black one, but I think owning a white pen is a must. It's a very eye-catching colour on top of any base colour, and would be perfect in the summer over pastel colours.

Priced at just £6 I'll definitely be purchasing this when I'm next in Boots.

Hope everyone's had a good weekend!? Mine has been somewhat productive but not as glamourous as I'd have liked! It has consisted of lots of house/car errands that needed doing. I knew there was a disadvantage of moving out of my mums!

My competition closes in 10 days so get your entries in now!


  1. This looks great, think I will give it a try!
    Love your blog, I am now following you.
    Claudia xxx

  2. really want to get one of these, not a bad price either! x

  3. argos do a range of these nail art pens ( but not models own brand) which i believe are currently on offer. i think you get about 12 pens for £20 (usually around £25) and they do loads of colours, i have had mine for a few years and they've really lasted, whilst also being good quality! :) xx


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