Sunday, 11 December 2011

Weekend Roundup

This weekend has helped me feel a little more festive..
I began the weekend on Friday dinnertime, were I had a much needed afternoon off work, to get some valubale Christmas shopping done! We got the majority of presents within a whole afternoon, which I was pleased. Theres nothing worse than trapsing round the shops, people standing in the way and standing in mega long queues, weighed down by heavy bags getting all hot and flustered. Thankfully I only have my boyfriends to buy now, although he's probably the hardest to buy for.. I've been with him 4 years now so the presents are beginning to get a little repetitive.. how do you get round this problem?! Get a new boyfriend? I'm joking Mike, I'm joking!

Friday night I put our Christmas tree up. Its our first christmas together in our new home so it's all exciting! Unfortunately the tree can't hack a topper :-( we did have a nice glittery silver star but the top is just not wanting to stand upright!

Saturday night was my staff Xmas meal - We went for an Indian, not very christmasy but we've had bad experiences with food + venues the past couple of years so decided to stay safe! Went into a few pubs afterwards, although it was mega busy and stuffy.. I'm getting too old for that now!

We had a walk round our local garden centre today.. so many pretty decorations but not very pretty prices so close to christmas. We both agreed to get some decorations in the sale, ready for next year instead :-)

We finished the weekend with some present wrapping whilst listening to Christmas songs (its rare for my boyfriend to play them so was nice!).

I've also been drinking a lot more hot chocolate just recently, not good for the waistline, but so good for the tastebuds! I've been sampling a lot of different ones, they're all so yummy!

All in all, a very festive weekend.

2 weeks today! Is everyone ready?!



  1. your christmas tree looks lovely! I love the blue and the purple/pink lights!

  2. ahh I know what you mean about presents getting repetative for the boys! It's so hard! Love your tree (and the wallpaper behind it!!!) xxx

  3. I can't wait for Christmas. It's exactly a week after my birthday so more surprises for me :D not looking forward to being 20 though! Time to grow up haha xx

  4. ohh them hot chocolates sound gorgeous :)
    I think i'll go buy them, love these over xmas
    and I love your tree xx

  5. def LOVING the xmas tree!(and the overall look of your living area!!)


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