Friday 31 August 2012

Week 7 - WeightWatchers Weigh In!

Yet another week of not tracking, and feeling like I have over-indulged and gone way over my weekly points. It started on Saturday with a trip to a local fish & chip restaurant. Although I didn't do too bad with this - I ordered fish & chips but went for a small size piece of fish, then just ate the fish as opposed to the batter. I did clear the plate of chips though. Chip shop chips are just too good to refuse, especially from our area!

Another night I made a homemade shepherds pie, then another night I made a sausage and pasta bake (all non-weightwatchers ingredients). I've had the odd chocolate bar thrown in there as well.

I haven't tracked once this week, not even in my head, so as you can imagine, I was dreading the weigh-in, knowing I'd be faced with another 'You've put on such 'n' such'. I had already told her my excuses of why I would have gained etc, then she says 'You've lost 1 lb'.

Yep, 1 lb sounds like nothing. But for the week I've had, I'm mega happy with that. I have been doing intense exercise approx 4 nights out the last 7 days, so I think that would have helped a great deal.

When I lose it kinda motivates me for the following week. In an ideal world I would like to have lost another 1/2 stone by the time I go to Vegas, (which is 4 weeks today). I am gonna have to try mega hard to make that happen cos I haven't got the fastest metabolism but its nice knowing it is do-able.

However... I'm about to try out a new Indian restaurant any minute now, plus on Saturday I have my future sister-in-law's hen party, so we'll be drinking for more hours than I care to imagine, so I'm scared of next weeks weigh-in already!

Total weight loss - 7.5lb

Till next time!


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