Monday 22 October 2012

A Virgin! (Ha-uge collective beauty haul!)

I came back from Vegas with a bit of spending money left over (I should be so lucky (...) lucky, lucky lucky...). Er, anyway. So I've been treating myself. A little too much maybe. I did have intentions of keeping a little aside to go and book one of those BOGOF mini cruises to Amsterdam or Bruges, but Primark got the better of me.

As well as buying clothes that (arguably) I don't need, I have also been 'splashing tha cash' on a few beauty items. We've all gotta keep ourselves looking half decent, right?

If you wanna get a feel for the items I have bought, then grab a cuppa and waste 12 minutes and 36 seconds of your life watching my video. Go on, it'll be worth it! You'll be able to find out what I'm a virgin to!

In the words of Fergie, G.L.A.M.O.R.O.U.S

Much love,


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