Wednesday 24 July 2013

NOTD - Color Club 'London Calling'

I received this in a beauty box a few months ago and wasn't drawn to it at all. The colour was referred to as 'neon', and to me this isn't what I'd class as neon green, but more of a pastel. From my large collection of polishes, green is one colour I am lacking. Like orange and yellow, green is just a 'meh' nail colour to me, that's all I can describe it as.

However I don't like to see anything go to waste, so a few days ago I thought I'd sample this 'meh' colour. I do apologise, 'meh' has a name, that being 'London Calling'. I applied it to my nails and the colour surprised me. Even though it was pretty much identical to the colour you can see through the bottle, it was a lot more vibrant than I had anticipated. In fact that vibrant that I felt a little daring wearing it for work! And that vibrant that I felt like it needed 'dumbing down' a little - with white polka dots, ha (yeah, like that's gonna'  dumb it down!).

Although the consistency of the polish was nice, I did find this a little streaky, and found myself having to do 2 coats on certain areas of my nails. Also, because of the colour, I felt like I had to be extra careful when nearing the edge of my nail and cuticles - its one of those colour's where I felt every edge had to be extra straight because of how noticeable it was (if you look closely enough at the photo you'll see what I mean!).

Was it chip resistant? I had 1 chip from the first 24hrs of wearing this (which is actually pretty good going for me!) but again, because of how vibrant the colour was, I felt it emphasized the chip so I cringed everytime I looked down at my nail, knowing I could do nothing about this till I got home from work. Not good.

It dried extremely quickly, however I felt a little tacky and almost childlike wearing this, especially for work. One colleague made a joke and told me I'm 'not allowed to wear it again because it keeps catching his eye'. So although it made a change from my typical colours, I think I will continue to get my use out of this through nail art only.

I know neon is big this summer, and has been for a while, but this is definitely not for me.


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