Sunday 15 February 2015

Happy Valentines Day!

This is the 8th Valentines Day I've spent with my boyfriend, and it's unfortunately true what they say; novelty does really wear off. Despite minimal plans, I was still looking forward to it. Mike was working Friday night into Saturday morning, so it meant for pretty much all of Saturday he was in bed. However when I got up in the morning there was a lovely huge bunch of red roses waiting for me in a vase. Cute! I went about my day doing a few errands, and then ran myself a candlelit Lush bath in the afternoon with my heart throb bubbleroon. I then put on a new dress and made myself look pretty! Mike got himself up & ready and we exchanged gifts. I already knew what I was getting because I had chosen them a few weeks prior. We stopped getting 'traditional' valentines day presents a few years ago. He still always gets me flowers and chocolates (although this year I was minus them due to being on SW!) but I don't appreciate the typical 'I love you' teddies and the like, so we always get practical presents like any other occasion.
We drove to the restaurant that he had booked and ate a lovely 3 course meal. I tried to make it  SW friendly but dessert was included and how in their right mind would refuse a chocolate brownie with hazelnut icecream?!
We returned home and played a game that I had previously picked up, it was similar to Mr & Mrs.
Shortly after this Mike fell asleep! I spent some time catching up on the Internet before residing to bed!

In the early days of our relationship we used to go all out on V day, booking hotels and going away for the weekend,  but as the years progress, novelty really does wear off, and things slide, and it really does just become another day. Even though we didnt do a great deal, it was nice to have a technology-free night, eat good food and just talk. Something that sometimes we don't do enough of.

I know Valentines is controversial for some but even if you don't celebrate it, I hope you had a good weekend.

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