Monday 2 January 2017

New York Day 2 - Top of The Rock, Grand Central & Ice Skating in Central Park!

After a rainy first day, a new day brought sunny clear skies which enabled us to do plenty more sightseeing!
We headed down to see the Rockefeller Christmas Tree which had been turned on the night before. It was huge, although admittedly didn't look as pretty in the day. We watched people ice-skating before making our way up Rockefeller Center to see the famous skyline. You could see for miles (and miles!) and viewing this famous scene that I've seen on so many photos and films really didn't seem real. We went as high as we could and took lots of photos, obviously! Such perfect weather for viewing too! Next time I'd love to see this at night.

We then headed to the NY Public Library. This was mainly for Mike as he's a Ghostbusters fan, and it's where a few shots were filmed. Honestly, this place is beautiful. The architecture was so grand and the ceilings were works of Art. The whole place was just full of history. I'd love it to be my local library! It was strange seeing people actually studying in there (I didn't actually realise it was still a working library, even though the clue is in the name!).

Entrance to NY public library

Library ceilings
After this we walked round the corner and checked out Grand Central Station. Again, it was like I was in the movies because I'd seen this place so many times in so many movies. There's a huge concourse of cafes and little shops on the ground level so we grabbed some lunch there and sampled the famous Magnolia Bakery!

After lunch we headed back to the hotel to rest our weary feet for a few hours. In the evening we jumped on the bus and headed to Central Park and did some ice-skating at The Woolman Ice Rink. Mike was really worried about ice-skating because he hadn't done it in about 20 years, however he loved it (gutted I didn't get the falls on camera though!). Keep your eyes peeled for some ice-skating footage that will be coming soon!

That brings us to the end of Day 2! Stay tuned for more glorious NY sights in day 3!

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