Sunday, 4 August 2013

Lifestyle - Newstead Abbey, Nottingham

My boyfriend and I decided to make use of this gorgeous weather we've been having and go out of town for the day today, a change is as good as the rest!

I've been searching high and low for somewhere to go for the last few days now, specifically looking for somewhere nice to have a picnic. We were originally going to go to Sherwood Forest in Nottingham, but then searched that area and discovered Newstead Abbey as well, so re-arranged our plans.

Newstead Abbey was home to Lord Byron (a famous 18th century poet). I studied a few of his poems when I was at Uni, so I felt like I was on a bit of an educational trip, but I enjoyed it nonetheless!

We wandered round the gardens which were so pretty. Huge green lawns, Japanese gardens (which were very similar to my previous trip) but on a bigger scale, and rock gardens (somewhere that we didn't actually get round to venturing in). There were gorgeous waterfalls and a little forest that you could walk through. What I liked about it was how vast it was so you were never on top of other visitors, you almost always had a huge area to yourself at any one time. We set up a picnic but the weather spoilt it a little as it went overcast and the wind increased (I was thankful for my scarf that I used as a shawl/blanket!) - it felt like Autumn and that we shouldn't be sat here on a bright pink blanket eating food alfresco! Nonetheless it was a nice change to get some fresh air whilst we ate!

After that we took a tour of the Abbey. I'm usually not one for history but I actually enjoyed reading about his history and being nosey round his house. We even played dress up in the dressing room and tried on some posh hats! (There were a lot of old style dresses to try on too but I was being a little lazy!)

Overall, such a nice little day out, and somewhere that made a change from our usual haunts. I can't wait to have more before the summer's out!

Been somewhere nice recently? Pop your suggestions below!


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