Tuesday 9 August 2016

July Round-Up - New Arrivals, Donut Burgers and Family Days

A little late doing July's update but I didn't want to break my cycle!

July saw seen some absolutely glorious weather, which I tried to make use of on my days off. When we have hot sunny days I long to be a kid again, knowing I have a full 6 weeks worth of freedom ahead of me. Unfortunately though we have to move with the times...

Although its been perfect weather, I unfortunately haven't had the opportunity to venture very far. Our holiday payment deadline is looming so we're having to be careful with the pennies as it draws closer. Instead we've been appreciating things in our home town a little more, and creating 'free' afternoon outs by packing up a picnic and venturing to the nearby woods for a few hours (which we've already been to a handful of times this summer!)

There's been a lot that's been happening at work, and we've waved a few of my colleagues off  as funding cuts struck. Its been sad times as we're down to only a bare minimum now. With this happening I have joined in with the leaving celebrations over meals and drinks for one last farewell.

Mike's family had a gathering to celebrate his uncle's birthday. There was a lot of his family that I'd never met before (I don't often come into contact with his dad's side of the family). After that, Mike and I went and grabbed some tea.. I had a burger were the bun was a Krispy Crème Donut (I know, I know, but trust me, it worked!).

I've also had the pleasure of becoming an auntie for the second time and welcoming a new niece into the world. We've also took my other niece on a lovely afternoon out as she broke up for the summer holidays. I'm hoping to do more things with her in August and have already got a few things in the pipeline. It's also Mike's birthday, and although we're watching the pennies, there are a few places I have up my sleeve, nothing too grand though with the holiday coming up. Its summer after all, and it doesn't take a lot for me to get jealous over all these swimming pool and beach shots!

Hope you're all having a great summer!

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