This year I've started to do something that I've never done before, sort of like a New Years resolution to myself, but definitely not as pressurised! And that is to record 1 positive thing that has happened each day. The book sits by the side of my bed, and I complete it each night before going to sleep. Obviously life gets a little repetitive and mundane, so I've sometimes struggled to find a positive, and instead I think of all the negatives that I could write for that day. However I push those aside and try to think of something that's made me smile, or something I've found enjoyment in. It's hard to say at the minute because we're only 1 month into the new year, however I'm hoping as the months pass, I'll find this a pretty useful tool in terms of reflecting and seeing how productive/successful I was in that particular month.
This year I'm also trying to push myself in terms of social events. I'm such an introvert and very content with my own company that I often forget to socialise. However I'm trying to say yes to more things and experience more 'first times'.
New Years Day saw me cook a meal for 4 people (which was a first!). I cooked a roast dinner for myself, Mike and my mum and her partner. Although I found it pretty stressful, I got really good compliments *punches air*. I want to do this again at some point but with a less stressful meal!
I won my first competition of 2017! The Telegraphs 'top 5 summer reads' apparently. I love reading, and although some of them aren't what I'd normally reach for, I'm going to try to push myself out of my usual genres this year.
I had a good few inches of my hair chopped off - it was well needed! My hair dye is down to its last few inches before its gone completely and my hair will be 100% natural again (after 13 years!).
We've had a lot of changes at work, and its definitely pushed me back out of my comfort zone, however I think I've coped well, and I notice that my confidence has grown and although I do get nervous when speaking in meetings with a lot of professionals in, I'm definitely not as nervous as I used to be, and I don't blush anymore, which is great! (Blushing is the worst!). {Practise definitely does make perfect.
Both myself and Mike have reconnected with some old friends and have done the usual social stuff together (i.e. tea, bingo etc). Me & Mike have always had separate friends and have never really done things in couples, and I've always secretly longed to, so its all good!
I've really been on the ball editing my holiday footage this year. I'm doing daily 'vlogs' and trying to keep them to a maximum of 5 minutes viewing time, so although I have a lot of footage to trawl through, the uploading time isn't so gruelling!
I've took part in a handful of twitter chats this year. I'm really terrible at interacting with others on social media. I access twitter every day, however I never communicate with anyone, however it definitely does help! I've put my name forward to host my first ever twitter party so fingers crossed! Are you following me on Twitter? Come find me @katelou11
My dressing room has finally come together after being painted in the autumn. I've been waiting to finish it off with some final touches (curtains and a rug!) and those finally arrived last week so it feels complete now (well... almost!). A blog post will be coming soon!

Another biggie for this month - we booked another holiday! To NYC & Disney, again! We go in September, and for just 2 weeks this time. It hasn't really kicked in yet because we've not long come back from our US stint but I'm sure it will soon... then the planning will start all over again!
I've seen lots of my friends this month, either over breakfast, lunch or tea! I need to make sure that this occurs regularly this year as once again, I'm terrible at maintaining contact! And yes, that is how I have my tea before you 'tea colour' haters start! *rollseyes*
So! There was me thinking January was pretty unsuccessful and not productive in the slightest! If it wasn't for my little book, I would have forgotten half of this!
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