Monday, 29 July 2013

Lifestyle - Japanese Gardens

I love reading about what other people get up to in their spare time, and where they venture to. Unfortunately most of the places I read about are miles and miles away from my home, but from time to time I do like to make a note of certain places that take my fancy for those rainy days!

A couple of weeks ago I took a trip with work to somewhere where I wouldn't normally venture. A little different from my usual day out, but nonetheless, it made a nice change.

PureLands Japanese Gardens, which is situated on the outskirts of Newark, (which is just past Lincoln for those not from round 'ere!)


The gardens were so pretty and it was amazing that just one Japanese guy had created and maintained these gardens for many years. He even made homemade scones whilst we were there, and had 'heavenly tea' on the menu, whereby he took some of the ingredients fresh from the tree. It was nice to be a little more in touch with nature, and made me appreciate a little more.

The gardens are renown for their tranquility and meditation that they offer. There's a crystal viewing area (that claims to be the only one in the world!) which is something different to feast your eyes on! There were lots of nooks and crannies and different ways around the gardens - be careful, you may easily lose the person that you are with!

Overall, a lovely way to spend a few hours, especially in the sun! (And especially considering I was getting paid!)

If you like these kind of posts then let me know and I'll do more, I have quite a few days out/weekends away coming up!


1 comment

  1. Such a pretty place. Love Japanese gardens.

    LOL. Spare time is a concept of the past for me. After popping out two kids, I don't have any time at all.

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