Saturday, 12 October 2013

Lifestyle: Instagram it October! Days 1 - 12

So a few weeks ago you maybe remember a post I did saying that I am going to be doing the 'Instagram it October' challenge. I did this in August and quite enjoyed it, so decided to do it again this month. For those that are new to this concept, its quite self explanatory, but you take one photo a day (possibly the 'highlight' of your day) and upload it to Instagram, then share your monthly highlights on here.. simples!

The last 12 days have been fairly quiet, hence why a lot of my photos consist of food, which have quite clearly been the highlight of my day! But I promise the next 2 weeks will be interesting - I am about to travel to sunnier climates, and then shortly after my return I'm heading to London...
Top Right - Nothing like starting a new month off with a trip to probably one of the nicer restaurants in town whilst having a good catch up with an old friend.
Top Left - Chinese buffet
Bottom Left - My favourite statement necklace, love it.
Bottom Right - Indulging in one of my first ever lattes (yeah, I'm a little slow on the bandwagon!)
Top Left - Getting the slow cooker out for the first time this season and making stew and dumps!
Top right - Sorting through allllll my body creams and forcing myself to do a 'shop my stash!'
Bottom Left - Nail Art (the blue looks two different shades but I promise its not!)
Bottom Right - A nice surprise card and chocs from my boyfriends sister, thanking us for our help with a problem she's enduring at the minute.

Top Left - A slice of cake at work - Our works building has recently moved to a brand spanking new site/building, and a new café has just opened in there that are baking cakes on a daily basis - We can go in and request what we would like to be baked for the next day (far too convenient for my liking!). Me and a few of the girls have had a few naughty slices of cake this week mid afternoon, and this was one of them. Whats worse, the cake is only 60p a slice. Wowzers. Willpower is seriously going to have to kick in here!
Top right - Erm, more food (this is going well isn't it?!) - Ben & Jerry's Icecream - I used to love this but actually found this rather sickly.
Bottom Left - A freebie after I made a boohoo purchase. A nice weekly treat!
Bottom Right - My Glossybox that arrived today! Not too happy with this one, the sizes are a bit of a let down.

So that's the last 12 days! Its safe to say I've been a bit of a fatty!

Have you been up to anything exciting this October?


1 comment

  1. Lovely pictures - I'm going to do this in December (Xmas month!) I reckon - can get loads of pretty Xmas themed pics then :) quite excited to do that lol xx


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