Sunday 29 June 2014

Review: Ilumi Meals

Firstly I will apologise for my lack of posts this past week or so, my laptop has been laden with spyware which resulted in me not being able to get internet access. I  then had a problem with flash player so I couldn't edit any photos.. nightmare technology!

I was recently contacted to try out some food from Ilumi, and being someone that likes my food, I obviously didn't say no!

I had heard about Ilumi before after being subscribed to their newsletter, but didn't know what they were all about. Ilumi specializes in creating allergen-free foods, so all the contents are nut, gluten and milk-free, which is so handy for those that have an intolerance. Their mission is to still make them as tasty and colourful as possible, without those added ingredients. They do a variety of foods from curries to chicken, lamb and beef dishes, soups, rice and so much more! They all look yummy!

I was sent 4 packs to try, but unfortunately I had just started on a set eating diet plan at the time so instead I (reluctantly)  let my boyfriend be the food tester, which he was more than happy to do!

Being a man of little words and definitely not one to compliment something if it doesn't deserve it, I asked him to give me a few words on each dish. I also asked him to score each dish out of 10 (10 being the best). Can I just add, these photos do not do the food any justice.. trying to photograph hot food whilst the steam clouds over your camera lens results in pretty poor photos!


Basil & Garlic Meatballs in a Tomato Sauce
"Very tomato-y, rich and creamy" Verdict - 8/10

Peppery Tuscan Style Beef Stew
"Very spicy, (correct blend rather than too much/too little). Nice and creamy" Verdict - 7.5/10

Mediterranean Style Rice with Pork & Chorizo
"Rice was a little moist. Good quality pork" Verdict - 6/10

Piri Piri Portuguese Style Rice
"Nice flavours. Similar to other rice - too moist" Verdict - 6/10

Conclusion - "The quality of the meat throughout is high and amount was plentiful. There were many flavours in each dish"

I suggested that maybe because of the flavours this was why the rice was moist (I personally would prefer it this was but each to their own!)

I did have the tiniest dip of the spoon in most dishes and I can honestly say the flavours were at the forefront of each dish and really woke my taste buds up.

After having a quick browse through Ilumi's customer reviews, they have pages upon pages of 5* feedback which highlights the quality and tastiness of these dishes!

I personally don't have a food intolerance but I can imagine how helpful these foods would be to others that do. They take all the hassle away of worrying if the food contains nuts, gluten etc and allows the person to sit back and just enjoy their food.

To see what other yummy foods they have to offer, click here


1 comment

  1. I'm going to look into these meals, I've seen so many reviews and nobody can fault them at all! Lucy at Lucyy Writes x


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