Wednesday, 24 April 2013

The Chronicles of a Nail Girl: Something borrowed, something Blue

Blue is one of those colours that I am instantly attracted to, especially electric blue. Last year when I went to Vegas to be a bridesmaid for my brothers wedding, I had a royal blue dress from Missguided which I got to keep. I love it, but still waiting for an event to wear it to again (for footage of my dress please see here).

However on the nails, blue isn't always easy to wear.. I'm one of those that has to my nails matching with my clothes..I either go for a versitile colour, like red or pink, or a colour that matches with a top that I have on, for example.

Essie 'Bikini so Teeny' - This is the most recent purchase to my collection - It is so pretty in the bottle and has very subtle flecks of glitter in, unfortunately you can't notice it on the nail. But I like it nonetheless
Barry M Gelly 'Blueberry'
Barry M 'Pure Turquoise'
Barry M 'Cyan Blue'
Miss Sporty 8 (from the 'Clubbing colours') - I first remember seeing this on Louise's (SprinkleofGlitter) blog and I fell in love then. I still swoon over it now every time I see it. Its one of those colours I could eat! (If you read my spring polish collection you'll know what I mean!)
Barry M 'Cobalt Blue'
Barry M 'Magnetic Blue'
Collection 2000 I have no idea of the colour because he writing has worn off (its pretty old!). This bottle is very misleading and is actually a very pretty navy colour with a subtle silver undertone. I do tend to keep this for Autumn/winter though because of how dark it is.
Nail Polish - Ha, how orginal! This was in a cheap kit that I got from New Look years ago, and surprisingly this is a very good quality polish. Its very similar to the Collection 2000 one in colour, although in the photo they look black. I promise they're not!

My favourite by far has to be Miss Sporty '8'. Whilst Im on that note, don't you think its so dismal how polishes are just named by numbers?! I love a good polish name.. I think some of them are so cute and quirky and helps me to remember them when referring to friends, as opposed to 'errrr... it's number...errrm?!'. A close second I'm torn between is the Barry M Gelly or Essie. Hmmmm.. so similar.

What's your favourite?


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