Sunday, 29 September 2013

Hair Today...Gone Tomorrow - Shop my Stash!

I'm very much a girly kinda girl.. I love make-up, painting my nails, fashion, shoes, handbags, jewellery, everything like that. But when it comes to hair its a different story.

I've never been a hair sort of person, and probably never will be. In all honestly, because I'm not overly interested in my hair, I don't take much care of it. I very rarely go to the hairdressers, I don't use heat protection half as much as I should and I have been dying my hair for almost 10 solid years now that it's thinned out so much and is so limp and bleurgh that it's become an even more mundane job. I am a natural read head for those that didn't know, and my family and friends kill me for destroying my locks.. (I had was a copper shade of red), a part of me has been toying with the idea of getting it stripped for so long now but the other part of me is a little... nervous? Nervous what people will think who didn't realize I was a natural red head, nervous of the attention I'll create for the first few weeks. People always assume I began dying my hair because I was attracting negative comments about it. Far from it. I never once got bullied at school for it, it just happened one day in my bedroom when I was 19yrs old. My cousin is partly to blame because she came up with the idea (I actually didn't think my hair would take to dye because of previous attempts and because of the strong pigment in it). However my cousin introduced me to this thing called 'permanent' hair dye... haha (you can tell how much I wasn't interested in hair just from that fact!). We went to the shop, came back, and she helped me dye it in my bathroom. The rest is history.

At first I loved how my hair matched with so many more colour clothes! I got lots of attention and everyone said how it really suited me. Colouring in my eyebrows (to ensure it matched my hair!) with an eyebrow kit became a daily part of my routine. However, as the years have passed, people have commented on how thin my hair has gone. Its lost its volume and only appears to look its best straight after that first wash after I've dyed my hair. Within days, the volume and thickness has faded. My hair loss is incredible and the maintenance of keeping on top of my roots is a huge chore to me. Everytime it gets closer to dye time, I dread it. I've ruined so many towels, stained a few bathroom vinyl floors and doors with it, no matter how much 'precaution' I take and cover the sides.

This is going to be a little 'hair today... gone tomorrow' series. As you'll see below, I have a huge stash of hair products. For some of you, this may only be a snippet compared to what you have, but to me and my 'couldn't care less' attitude about hair, I have one too many products! (Although now I've laid them all in a neat little line, the amount doesn't look as daunting!). 70% of the products I actually didn't buy, but received through beauty boxes instead. However these get thrown in my hair box (hair, count yourself lucky you have a nice big floral box to yourself!) and don't see the light of day in months.

My mission is to get my hair products stash reduced to a more acceptable level. I have taken pictures of each and every
hair product I own today (minus every day products such as shampoo & conditioner). I aim to make a conscious effort to begin incorporating these into my routine. I am not going to purchase any more hair treatments until I get this visibly reduced. As previously mentioned, I am subscribed to 2 beauty boxes, so it will be interesting to see how that affects my stash. Hopefully I don't get hair products coming in on a monthly basis, or I'll be fighting against a losing battle! I'm rather concerned about my stash of hairsprays alone. 2 of those I bought, the other 2 I received in a beauty box and to trial. How I am going to get through that amount of hairspray worries me a little, especially since I use hairspray on average, erm 6 times a year, when I try and go for that tousled beach wavy style, but fail.

I get a buzz out of knowing I have finished a product I may have forced myself to use, so I'm excited to get cracking on this task!

I think updating you every 3 months is pretty reasonable, that'll give me a good chunk of time to get cracka-lacking on those products!

Who knows, by the time I've got this stash reduced, I may have decided once and for all that I'm going au-natural again!

Keep your eyes peeled for another shop my stash post... there's some more products of a certain kind that are lurking deep within my drawers that I could set up shop with!


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