Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Bath Time with Lush | Candy Mountain Bubble Bar

Candy Mountain is so cute to look at, its pink and white exterior reminded me of a frosty snowy mountain (although don't ask where the pink comes into it!).

After crumbling half of this under a hot running tap, it soon created mountains of glistening bubbles and a gorgeous pink and white shimmery frosting over the water. I think if I had used the whole bar my water would have turned pink, but because I halved it, I think this weakened the magic a little. 

I was impressed with the amount of bubbles it created (again, from just half the bar... I dread to think what it would have been like if I crumbled the whole lot in!). I felt like I was in a super luxurious bath as I sunk chin deep into the water. 

The scent is extremely sweet smelling, hence the 'candy' name, and it lingered not only in the bathroom for hours, but wafted out into the hotel room and clung to it well into the next morning, which is definitely a tick box for me. 

I noticed my skin felt super soft afterwards as well, so it definitely did it some good. 

Definitely one I wouldn't hesitate in picking up again. 



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