Monday 30 January 2017

Disney Day 2: Universal Studios & Ohana's!

On our second full day of Disney we ventured into Universal Studios (which obviously isn't Disney as such, but we'll just roll with it!). Unfortunately the full morning was very dull and drizzly, so we tried our best to stay undercover. We did get caught in a few down pours though, but you haven't experienced true Orlando if this doesn't happen to you at least once!

As soon as we entered the park we saw that The Minions ride was displaying a 20 minute wait. We'd never had the chance to experience this attraction in previous visits because the wait times had always been ridiculously long, so as soon as we saw 20 minutes, we of course made a beeline for it.

Similar to the Disney parks, because we had visited Universal several times in the past few years, we weren't in such a hurry to cram everything in this time. Instead we slowed down the pace and managed to fit any 'extras' in that we hadn't experienced before. We also ventured into the nooks and crannies that we had missed in previous years due to being in a rush! I find these days the best because they're so much more laid back and you tend to appreciate your surroundings more because you have more time and opportunity to immerse yourself in the environment.

I'm not sure if it was because of the weather, or time of year, but the wait times for most rides were 20-30 minutes, which was perfect. Some were as small as 5 minutes, so I was loving it! We rode all of the obligatory rides, ET, MIB, The Simpsons, Revenge of the Mummy, etc. We also indulged in our first EVER American churro, but unfortunately it wasn't the best! (I swear they're not meant to be that hard!).

I noticed that Toothsome Chocolate Emporium had only just recently opened, so we ventured there and gawped at all the weird but definitely wonderful contraptions they had going on in the shop of their restaurant. If money grew on trees....

I took lots of retro/vintage themed photos of buildings and the famous pink and white Cadillac's sat outside Mel's Drive-In Diner (yep, that same car that I take a photo of almost every year!). We also ventured into Ben & Jerry's cafĂ© where I tried a hazelnut and coffee ice-cream. Yum!

After this we headed back to the hotel to get ready for our dining reservation at Ohana's, which was in Disney's Polynesian Resort. Such great fun! We were given flower lei's whilst we watched a live Hawaiian lady sing, followed by a coconut race for the kids. The food was immense! Battered King Prawns, steak, chicken and pork continued to come to our table on skewers, fresh from the kitchen. You could have as much as you wanted, perfect for meat lovers! I really enjoyed it here and can't recommend it enough!

The Lobby at The Polynesian Resory
Have you read what I got up to on day 1 of my Disney trip?

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